Today is the day that students receive their first quarter interim grades. I've stressed to students that this is not their "permanent" grade, but rather a way to check where they are going and what they need to change or continue doing.
If a student has an A or B in band, they are coming to class prepared, participating and cooperating. If a student receives a C, D, or E, chances are that he or she has not been prepared which means that they cannot participate. If a student does not have his or her instrument on the day of a test, the test score is then a 0%.
For those student with a C, D or E - all is not lost! Students can do many things to improve their grade before the end of the quarter:
BE PREPARED PART 1 - This means bringing band materials to school on the correct day. The A/B schedule can be confusing, but everyone received a copy of this schedule when they received their CCPS calendar. The page before "August" shows the entire school year in A and B days. Please refer to this schedule when you get confused.
BE PREPARED PART 2 - Once students get their instruments and music to school, they cannot leave them in their lockers. Locker passes cannot be issued for forgotten materials. It is the student's responsibility to take the necessary materials from their lockers for their morning and afternoon classes. Make a check list that can be posted in the locker or color code folders to help with organization.
BE PREPARED PART 3 - Practice! See the earlier post about what and how to practice.
EXTRA HELP OR SECOND CHANCES - Students can come to me during AM advisory to make up any tests that they missed, failed, or would just like to try to do better. Students can also sign up for after school practice starting October 6th.
Hopefully, by the end of the quarter, everyone will be happy with the grade that they've earned.
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