The CMS volleyball team is wearing T-shirts today in honor of their game (Go volleyball and soccer teams! Beat PPMS!) that state "Hard Work Pays Off". This applies to band as well. So many students are involved sports but they don't always see the relationship of team work and playing in a band.
On a team, everyone has their position or strength that the rest of the team counts on in order to be victorious. In band, everyone counts on each other to know their part well enough that the song will sound the way it should. If a player on a team doesn't do well, the team may lose. If a band member doesn't know their part, the band may mess up.
Students should be practicing their instruments at home, working on the hardest parts of the songs so that when they come together in class, they learn how their part fits in with the rest of the group. One of my favorite trombonists said, "You do not come to rehearsal to learn your part, you come to rehearsal to learn everyone elses's part."
Make it a goal to practice at least 10 minutes a day - that means taking instruments home during the week and practicing EVERY day! If we all do our part (or know our part) we will all win!
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