Friday, August 28, 2009

Instrument, Method Book and Grading Policy

Starting Monday (Tuesday for "B" day students), you will need your instrument and method book. If you haven't turned in your grading policies, those are also due next week. Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank you for a great start to the year!

WOW! I think that this has been the best start to a school year in 16 years! I'm sooooooo very pleased with the behaviors I'm seeing in class and in the hallways. Students are doing what's expected of them: copying warm ups, following adults' directions, being polite to one another, etc. CMS, YOU ROCK!

I heard through the grapevine that Hot Licks did not stock up on Book Three of "Accent On Achievement". Just have your parents write me a note if a book is on order. Take those instruments out and see if they still work - we don't want any surprises on Monday and Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Welcome to 2009-2010!

Welcome back to school! A special welcome to all the 6th graders and anyone new to CMS!! Today was very exciting. "A" days are going to be great! "B" day students, I am looking forward to a spectacular day with you tomorrow!

Take a look around the blog, go back over some of the older posts, check out the links to other sites and then go look for your instrument! You need it in school on Monday, August 31st! Have a great evening. Get all of your paperwork signed and I'll see you tomorrow!