Thursday, March 29, 2012

District XII

No...not District 12 in Panem!  District XII Band Festival!  It's OVER and it was FABULOUS!

Our overall score was a "II".  The breakdown goes like this:
From the three judges in the auditorium - II, I, II
Sight-reading - I

It's the highest II that you can get.  (Ironically, if we had received a II in sight-reading and two I's and one II in the auditorium, it would have been a "I" overall...go figure.  The state puts more weight on our performance.  I put a lot of weight on our sight-reading so I am beyond pleased!!

Enjoy your spring break.  Safe travels if you are going out of town.  If you're sticking around Calvert County, I may see you out and about.

Again, good job!  I am VERY, proud of you!