This website will help Calvert Middle School Band students, parents and Ms. Cunningham communicate and find valuable information about performances and assignments.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The power of music.
Saw this video and thought I would share it with you. It goes to show that everyone has a talent.
thats really cool! u feelin better m. c-ham? Sierra' trumpet still needs to be popped. its been under your desk for 4 days now... :)feel better soon! :D
Not feeling better yet and was told that I'm still contagious. Hope all of you are behaving for the subs. I'll get to Sierra's trumpet when I get back. What did she do to it????!!!???
thats really cool! u feelin better m. c-ham? Sierra' trumpet still needs to be popped. its been under your desk for 4 days now... :)feel better soon! :D
Not feeling better yet and was told that I'm still contagious. Hope all of you are behaving for the subs.
I'll get to Sierra's trumpet when I get back. What did she do to it????!!!???
remember during the concert? all of a sudden she couldn't pull it out? She didn't drop it or hit her hand on top of it... who knows?
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