I couldn't believe the number of students who were not prepared for class today! It was stated in the information that went home at the beginning of the year and I repeat it in class all the time:
Students are expected to come to class prepared. Being prepared means having your instrument, band music, method book, pencil and any other supplies that you need in order to play - reeds, drumsticks, oil, etc. Being prepared also means that you practice your music and your method book.
Sadly, I will have to do as other teachers do and start handing out MIR to those students who repeatedly come to class unprepared.
Remember, we are a team and everyone needs to do their part...this includes being prepared for class!
I would love to think coming prepared for class means just showing up. If that was the case my child would have a 100 in band! :D Could you please let us know when the band concert is, my child keeps forgetting to ask!
The concert is 7:00pm at Calvert High School on Monday, November 24th. Three short weeks away!
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