Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Concert Thanks

Thank you, students, for a great concert last night!  I was very pleased with the performances!  6th graders - I think "Toyland" was my favorite of all of your songs and 7th & 8th graders, you KNOW that "Deck the Halls with Drums and Voices" was my favorite of yours! 

We've got work to do in order to improve for the Spring Concert, but let's take a few days to rest, relax and enjoy time with our families.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Come back ready to work!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

News and Info

7th and 8th grade - Thursday during Advisory
6th grade intermediate band - Friday and Monday during Advisory
6th grade beginning band - Thursday during 8th period and Friday during 7th period

MONDAY, November 19th!!!
6th graders report to the band room no later than 6:00pm.  The concert begins at 6:30 and will be over at 7:00.
7th and 8th graders report tot eh band room no earlier than 7:15 and no later than 7:30.  The concert begins at 8:00 and will be over by 8:30.

Yankee Candles:
An email from Yankee Candle says that they will be here on Thursday, the 15th.  Plan to pick up your orders at the concert.  Arrangements can be made to pick orders up before Monday if you would like.

Shirts:  Get your shirt if you do not already have one!  Limited sizes are available.  First come, first served!

If you are auditioning for tri-county honor band, practice over Thanksgiving Break and make arrangements to come to advisory period after the break on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Get those forms in!  If you do not get your form in, you will not be considered for the band.

Practice that music and get a lyre.  Return those forms so Mrs. Fraley will know who plans to attend!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Turkey Time

Advisory Group!!  This one's for you.  You're welcome!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Important Information

Here are the important dates for the year (just in case you got rid of that yellow paper):
Important Dates:

• September 22 – Band competition @NHS

• November 10 – Jr. All-State Auditions (7th and 8th grade only)

• November 14 – All County Nominations Due

• November 19 – 6th grade CONCERT*** 6:30pm (report @ 6:00)

• November 19 – 7th & 8th grade CONCERT*** 8:00pm (report @ 7:30)

• November 30 – CMS Craft Fair and Family Fun Night Performance

• December 1 – Tri-County Auditions

• December 2 – Parade with CHS

• January 24 – All County Honor Band Concert

• February 10– Tri-County Concert for those accepted at the Dec. auditions

• March 16 - District XII Solo and Ensemble Festival 8am @CMS.

• March 20 – District XII Band Festival*** (8th grade only)

• April 25 – All County Jazz Band Concert

• May 7 – 6th Grade CONCERT*** 6:30pm (report @ 6:00)

• May 7 – 7th and 8th Grade CONCERT ***8:00pm (report @ 7:30)

• May 10 – Tentative date for 8th Grade Band trip to Hershey Park

Don't forget that our first test is next week - Tuesday for A day students and Wednesday for B day students.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week #2

Another great week at CMS!  I was very pleased with the number of students who were prepared this week.  Keep up the good work!  If you were one of the few that forgot your instrument, please get it in next week.  We will start working on our winter concert music and also begin working in our books.  Speaking of books...some of the books are in.  The rest will be in next week.  Those who ordered from me will be able to pick them in class.

Have a fantastic three day weekend.  Don't forget that Tuesday is a B day!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

We have a WINNER!

Congratulations, Katie!  You answered the trivia question correctly - Mr. Switzer was Ms. C-ham's middle school band director.  (The picture on the front page shows a 1980 Ms. C-ham and her teacher and the rest of the Lewistown Middle School Band at their winter concert.)

It was a GREAT week!  I'm so excited about this year's bands!!  Get those instruments out and remind yourself how to play them.  "A Day" students need instruments on Wednesday and "B Day"students need instruments on Thursday.  Have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Trivia Question

Let's see who is really reading the blog...
Who was Ms. Cunningham's band director in 1980?
Find the answer somewhere in the blog.  Write the answer on a small piece of paper with your name and place it in the basket in the band room tomorrow or Friday.  On Friday during 8th period, I will pull a name from the basket.  The winner will get a $10 gift card to the store of their choice!  Read the band blog!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to School 2012-2013

Where did the summer go??  Hope you had a fantastic summer break!  I did!  I had the opportunity to travel to Italy, Greece, London, and Carolina Beach, NC! The other fantastic thing this summer..........THE PURPLE P-BONE ARRIVED!!! 

I am currently getting all of your practice records, warm ups and other paperwork ready for the first days of school.  I'm also looking at music for the year.  Any requests?

If you haven't already, get your instrument out, get supplies and play some tunes.  Hot Licks is no longer open in Prince Frederick, so if you need reeds or valve oil or a book - you'll have to travel to Waldorf or to the northern end of Calvert County.  I am going to do a large order of books so start saving your pennies!  The cost will be $7.95 for 6th and 7th grade woodwinds and brass, $6.95 for 8th grade woodwinds and brass and $10.95 for all drummers.  (Percussion books have more pages.)  Lots more to come in the next few weeks.  Can't wait to see all of you!  Enjoy your last days of summer. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

District XII

No...not District 12 in Panem!  District XII Band Festival!  It's OVER and it was FABULOUS!

Our overall score was a "II".  The breakdown goes like this:
From the three judges in the auditorium - II, I, II
Sight-reading - I

It's the highest II that you can get.  (Ironically, if we had received a II in sight-reading and two I's and one II in the auditorium, it would have been a "I" overall...go figure.  The state puts more weight on our performance.  I put a lot of weight on our sight-reading so I am beyond pleased!!

Enjoy your spring break.  Safe travels if you are going out of town.  If you're sticking around Calvert County, I may see you out and about.

Again, good job!  I am VERY, proud of you!