Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Come Prepared for Class

I couldn't believe the number of students who were not prepared for class today! It was stated in the information that went home at the beginning of the year and I repeat it in class all the time:
Students are expected to come to class prepared. Being prepared means having your instrument, band music, method book, pencil and any other supplies that you need in order to play - reeds, drumsticks, oil, etc. Being prepared also means that you practice your music and your method book.

Sadly, I will have to do as other teachers do and start handing out MIR to those students who repeatedly come to class unprepared.
Remember, we are a team and everyone needs to do their part...this includes being prepared for class!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Be Nice to the Instruments Part 2

Oh my goodness gracious! Being nice to your instruments includes cleaning them every month or two! I saw something in a trumpet today that could probably be considered a biohazard - YUCK!

Brass players - You can take out your slides and valves and put your instruments in a tub of lukewarm water. (Hot water will strip the lacquer off of your isntrument. I like to give my trombone a bath in dishwashing liquid because it will take out the grease and oil. After bathing the instrument, you should lubricate the tuning slides with petroleum jelly (vaseline) and then oil your valves or trombone slides.

Woodwinds - DO NOT BOIL YOUR INSTRUMENTS! This is good advice for any instrument but you should not put your instrument in water. You can clean off mouthpieces with a cloth or toothbrush and some mouthwash. Do use your cleaning cloths to remove moisture after practicing. The only way to really disinfect is to take it to a repair shop and get it chemically cleaned.

Percussion - There is really nothing that you need to do but you should dust off your instruments and practice!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Will I get a good review from Mr. Garner?

Hope everything went well in class today. I missed you guys! 3rd period, I won't see you until next week :-( so be sure to start practicing page 10.

Hope that everyone is keeping up with their practicing! If you want to keep track of how much time you spend practicing, use the chart in the back of your method book. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

CHS Band Night 2008

Congratulations to the following students for taking part in CHS Band Night 2008:
Genesis, Izamar, Brianna H., Brianna R., Sierra, Sarah, Meggie, Emily, Tyler, Stefan, Noah, Cody and Derian. It was also nice to see the SMS students there as well.

The combined band sounded great! I was really impressed with how much the CHS band has improved over the last couple of years. Hopefully as more and more CMS and SMS students join the marching band as HS students, the bigger and better it will become.

Have a great weekend! Don't forget to prepare page 9 and keep working on that band music. This Wednesday is the last day of the 1st marking period!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Be nice to the instruments!

Students, please, please, please, take care of your instruments! I've seen a lot of instruments lately in need of repair. When I look around the band room, I'm appalled by the way some students treat their instruments: banging them on the floor, dropping them, using them to scratch their backs, etc. These are expensive pieces of equipment! Please treat them with care. I can do minor repairs (tighten screws, push a spring back in place, etc.) but replacing parts or taking out dents is beyond my capabilities.

Also, just because it's in a case, does not mean that it's indestructible! A case helps protect your instrument, but it can get damaged if dropped, kicked (yes, I've seen cases kicked down the hall) or used as "seat" while waiting for the bus.

Repairs done by a professional can be expensive and leave you without an instrument for a couple of weeks. If you do have to take your instrument to the shop, make sure your parents write me a note stating that the instrument is being repaired. If there is no note, I mark you as "unprepared".

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Page 8!

Has everybody prepared page 8 for this week? Be sure to read everything on the page. For 6th and 7th grade, that means looking at the top of the page for new notes, rhythms, and musical concepts that are being introduced or reviewed. 8th graders should look at all of the musical information presented: key signatures, accidentals, articulations, rhythms, intervals, etc.
I'm looking forward to great week ahead. Remember, Monday is a "B" day!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Where did the week go?

I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday! We've accomplished a lot this week, but there's always more to do. The 6th grade intermediate band took a test today on page 7 and did a great job with a lot of 92%, 96% and even 100%. GREAT JOB! Beginners have a test tomorrow as well. Be sure to practice!

7th and 8th graders, I'm pleased with how you're doing on Sleigh Ride, Twas in the Moon... and Hanukah Dance but you know me, I always want more expression, dynamics, correct notes and rhythms, etc. Keep up the good work!

Thanks to everyone that voted in the poll! Looks like it's Ms. Grizzlewartz that teaches Art. Serves her right for calling me Ms. Honeyham!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


7th and 8th grade flutes and clarinets are starting to work on trills. Wow, are they confusing!
I found some online trill fingering charts to help you out:
Flutes -



Clarinet -

Everyone can check online for fingering charts, helpful hints, music etc.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Busy week ahead...

Today was a great start to the week! 8th graders did a great job on their Sleigh Ride test. 7th grade worked on the coda and started work on those darn trills, and the beginning band is rockin'!

B day 8th graders, be sure to be prepared tomorrow. It's the only day that I'll see you due to the field trip on Thursday.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yay for the weekend!

The good things just keep happening! I saw a lot of instruments going home for the weekend. Good. Now, don't forget to practice and don't forget to bring those instruments back next week! Start practicing page 7 in your method books and keep practicing that band music - it's coming along, but some pieces need more practice than others. 7th and 8th grade - keep working out the tough parts of "Sleigh Ride".

Don't forget to turn in those blue papers is you are interested in All-County, Tri-County, Solo and Ensemble or CHS Band night.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another great day of tests!

Congratulations to the "A" day students! These 'A dayers" are a well prepared group...all had their instruments and sounded fabulous! Let's keep up the good work. Now that you've completed page 6, it's on to page 7.

I have the best students in the school!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Way to go!!!!!

Yay!! Everyone brought their instruments for today's test! Great job. I heard some fantastic music today! Keep up the good work! Keep practicing...it's paying off! (I "heart" exclamation points!!)